Each dog at Burradoo Ranch receives individual attention and spends time at the house with Bill and Janice to ensure their social well being. The dogs are exercised daily with a lengthy run and the Burradoo Ranch is well set up with a series of secure kennels to keep dogs warm and dry, plus outdoor dog yards provide ample, daily opportunity for the dogs to spend time outside of the kennels.
The Ranch is also home to Janice’s veterinary clinic.

View of Working Kennels

The Burradoo Ranch working kennels that house 10 runs under shelter and with inside kennels to protect the dogs from heat and cold.

Becker and Coke along with their Border collie kennel mate, Bill, have a great view of the Beartooth Mountains.

Riana Battle and Wranglar Lilly look at me, asking please can we go with you today?

The feeding area in the kennel, set up for the daily dishing out of a 40+ year experience base in animal nutrition.

A photograph of the inside kennel and the picture wall of “fame and dog gone” friends we have had over the years.

An inside look at the Burradoo Ranch working kennel that includes a couch to sit on for visitors and old dogs who want to sleep or share a yarn or just spread a little B.S. about how great their dogs are.

Outdoor Puppy Run

A new generation of Kelpies look out from the puppy proofed exercise yard with the question of, "When do we get to go out for a run?"

All of the Burradoo Ranch Kelpie pups have been fully socialized from birth and we guarantee they will be children friendly.

So you guess as to who really picks the pups? Is it the new owner or the puppy?

Can we take them all, mum and dad?

The Burradoo Ranch Veterinary Clinic is a complete care facility located amongst our other ranch buildings.

The Burradoo Ranch also houses Janice’s veterinary clinic that includes state of the art equipment and over 35 years of small animal expertise.

Janice is well known for her surgical skills and has served on the Wisconsin Veterinary Exam Board (once as Chairman) through appointments by two different Governors and turned down a third appointment by a subsequent Governor. Janice is currently licensed in Montana and Wisconsin and has held licenses in Minnesota and California.

The Burradoo Ranch Veterinary Clinic has a separate set of isolation kennels dedicated to whelping pups and keeping in heat females separate from our other dogs. These kennels are also utilized when housing surgery cases.

Dr. Janice Mytton conducts a thorough pre-sale inspection of one of our latest litter of pups out of Burradoo Muster and Wranglar Lilly.

Wranglar Lilly gets her annual checkup and shots that assure us that we can present our dogs to people interested in the Australian Kelpie in perfect physical shape.

Riana Battle helps Janice fill out the paper work on one of her clients. We typically have one or more of our dogs with us no matter what activity we are up to on that given day.

The mountain lion relaxing on the limb above Janice’s head was involved in a stock depredation on a neighboring ranch. We treed and shot it using some of our own lion hounds.

This time it’s Wranglar Lilly helping Janice out in the office that clearly indicates the “great outdoors” is a big part of our daily lives.

Janice bathes Riana Battle after a day of pre-calving season vaccination work in the mud.