The Working Kelpie Council of Australia Inc.
A3F – 13867 – 05 KH31
Born: March 28, 2005
Bred by: Kevin Howell, Eugowra, New South Wales, Australia
March 28, 2005-January 2, 2018
Karana Oz was imported to the U.S.A. as a puppy and arrived at Burradoo Ranch in 2014. She was bred several times to Karana Digby. We have found these pups take to training very readily and tend to be easy to handle dogs, with a great desire to please. The dogs from this cross are a nice size with lots of leg, which enables them to really cover the mountain country in which we work our cattle.
We have been extremely happy with her litters and have at our ranch Bug, Deuce, Ozzie, and Ariat. Sadly, Mocha passed away in 2018.